Columbia West is a highly respected leader in geotechnical engineering in the Pacific Northwest. Our geotechnical services include:
What we offer:
Site Investigations
Foundation Engineering
Slope Stability Analysis
Due Diligence Reports
Seismic Hazard Studies
Site-Specific Seismic Studies
Performance-Based Design
Pavement Design
Forensic Studies
Infiltration Testing
Construction Observation and Quality Control
MSE Retaining Wall Designs
Mid- to High-Rise Buildings 
Deep Basement Excavations
Shoring Systems
Deep Foundation
Soil Improvement

Columbia West is a highly respected leader in geotechnical engineering in the Pacific Northwest. Our geotechnical services include:

Geotechnical Services

What we offer:
Columbia West is a WABO-registered Special Inspection Agency servicing the Pacific Northwest. Our services include the following:

Special Inspection / Construction Materials Inspections

What we offer:
Reinforced Concrete
Prestressed/Post-tensioned Concrete
Structural Masonry
Structural Steel and Bolting
Structural Welding
Spray-applied Fire-Resistive Materials
Structural Wood
Cold-Formed Steel Framing
Post-installed Anchors
Fire-Resistant Penetrations and Joints
PPC Concrete
Floor Flatness
Maturity Meter for High Early Concrete
Wood and Concrete Moisture

Columbia West’s nationally accredited in-house construction materials and soil mechanics laboratory provides analytical testing and analyses of soil, aggregate, asphalt, concrete, grout, and other construction materials. Columbia West is also a licensed provider of nuclear gauge field compaction testing services in Oregon and Washington. Columbia West is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) for the following tests: (Certification Number 2922.01)

Materials Testing

What we offer:
ASTM C1077 (Standard Practice for Agencies Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for Testing Agency Evaluation)
ASTM C1093 (Standard Practice for Accreditation of Testing Agencies for Masonry)
ASTM D3740 (Standard Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction)
ASTM E329 (Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection, Testing, or Special Inspection)
ASTM E543 (Agencies Performing Nondestructive Testing)
AASHTO R18 (Practice for Establishing and Implementing a Quality Management System for Construction Materials Testing Laboratories)
Nuclear Moisture-Density Testing

Environmental Site Assessments (Phase 1 and Phase 2)
NPDES Permitting
Stormwater Management Planning
Stormwater Monitoring and Sampling
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans, Emergency Response Plans
Contaminated Media Management Plans
Critical Aquifer Recharge Area Reports (CARA)

Columbia West provides a variety of environmental consulting services throughout the Pacific Northwest. Our services include:

Environmental Services

What we offer:
Seismic Site Classification in Accordance with ASCE 7
Soil and Rock Stiffness for Site Response Analysis and Foundation Design
Liquefaction Potential Evaluation
Depth to Bedrock
Material Rippability

Columbia West offers geophysical testing services using refraction microtremor (ReMi) testing, a non-invasive surface wave method that is well-suited for most environments. The ReMi data is processed and inverted to estimate the shear wave velocity profile, which provides important information regarding:

Geophysical Testing

What we offer:

Multi-Disciplinary Service Profile






Professional Engineers

Washington & Oregon

Years in Operation